Tuesday 5 January 2016

Story of Mama Lola and Susie

High Tea with Mama Lola and Susie

Long time friends Mama Lola and Susie rarely get to meet. Not because they are not fond of each others company but because one is a creature of the sea and the other is not only a landlubber but she dwells deep in the heart of the remote jungle.

The beauty of the tropical rainforest. This is Susie's
home........ high up in the hills deep in this lush paradise..

                        "I don't look forward to this trip" ...Susie
See No Bad Things

 "Bye bye trees. Bye jungle..going to miss you"

"I don't like this. Not one bit"

"I'm out at sea. Goodness gracious me. I am going to be sea-sick."

 "Help! I can't see the land anymore"
I AM  S--I-C-K

                                         Focus. Focus on the goodies we shall have for tea shortly.

Mama Lola needs some help coming out of her comfort zone too.
Yeah Susie. You're not the only one who made the effort.

OMG... Same Old Lola. Last time you were just as hilarious

Now quit being funny and pass the ketchup please
......and so the afternoon passed very pleasantly. Mama Lola talked about her recent babies, thousands and thousands of them that are growing up just fine. She proudly tells of her prolific successes. Susie could only listen wistfully...if only her specie is not so very endangered. Sad but true, the old man of the forest is fast disappearing from this world.
They said their goodbyes gently and lovingly; with much less said than otherwise they bid adieu, two odd friends from worlds apart.


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